A good laugh with Improfighters

You can not admit yourself to miss out on this extremely funny show that would not be anything without your participation. Planeta Impro is an improvisation company whom ever since 2001 been entertaining people in and around Barcelona. Every Friday means a new battle in “Improfighters” and tonight is not an exception. Make sure to be at Teatreneu in C/Terol 26 well in time before they start at 22.30 because it is always filled up. You aim to go there with a huge portion of humor and preferably even a bigger one of creativity. The actors will ask you to write down a word or a sentence that might later on be a part of the impro-battle. Your words are their best friend!

imagen-improfight improfighters2 improfighters3 improfighters5

~ by danielbcn on November 21, 2008.

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